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Why Kids Should Try Rock Climbing Camp

Updated: Apr 28, 2024

Depending on where you are located, there can literally be hundreds of options for summer camps for your kids. From soccer, to tae-kwon-do, to cooking, to horseback riding, the options are endless! But did you know that many rock climbing gyms host summer camps for kids at affordable prices? Additionally, rock climbing camps have a variety of benefits over other types of summer camps such as opening your child up to the world of rock climbing, helping them to overcome their fears, learning problem-solving skills, and more!

Rock climbing camp is the perfect opportunity to ensure that your child will have boatloads of fun, come home tired, and get hooked on a hobby that might extend beyond those summer months!

Rock climbing camps are not glorified babysitting

No, rock climbing camp will physically and mentally challenge your child. Think of the sport of rock climbing as a gigantic puzzle. To get to the top of the wall, your child must test their physical strength, problem-solving skills, and patience. From a kid's perspective, learning those skills is ten times more fun if they feel like Spider-man than if they have to sit at a desk and solve math problems.

Rock climbing camps also have fantastic field trips ranging from outdoor ropes courses to actual rock excursions. Oftentimes, climbing camps include these trips along with required gear and proper guidance in their upfront price. This way, you know your child will be safe while having a fantastic time.

Even after acknowledging all these awesome perks, you may still worry that your child won't like it because a week of rock climbing sounds too intense and tiring. Staff who create the curriculum for rock climbing camp understand that worry. That's why many rock climbing camps include other activities to break up the day, such as swimming, arts and crafts, fun games like tag or hide and seek, or tie-dyeing! Lunch and snack breaks are also built into the day to ensure your young climber remains fueled.

What makes rock climbing camps different?

There is one thing that sets rock climbing apart from many other sports camps: passion. More often than not, kids leave rock climbing camp wanting to return the following year. And some end up loving it so much that they become year-round regulars, joining the rock climbing gym’s youth team or other youth programs. As with any good quality summer camp, friends made at rock climbing camp can become friends for life, and your child will come home tired but happy year-round. You may even get into climbing after seeing your child fall in love with the sport, and then you'll have a new family bonding activity!

There's no better experience you can give your child. We wish you all the best in registering for summer camps, but we hope you can schedule your kids into a climbing camp. If you have any questions about summer camps, please give us a call!



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